Thoracocharax stellatus is an unusual South American schooling fish, specially adapted for life at the surface of the water. These are one of several Thoracocharax spp. that are sold as "Platinum Hatchets". Their alternative name of 'Spotfin Hatchet' comes from the prominent black spot in their dorsal fin, unique among hatchets. Named for their deep, axehead-like body, these fish are adapted for jumping and gliding; some species may be able to jump more than 12 feet away! Naturally, this means that a tight lid is a requirement for these fish. Otherwise, they are an undemanding and peaceful fish that is perfect for filling the oft-unused space near the top of the aquarium. They are a shy and delicate fish that should not be kept with any aggressive species.
These are juveniles around 1.5" long; their adult size will be around 2.5".